Tackling Annoying Employee Behavior

A workplace environment is a location where you will come across all kinds of people. Some of them will be likeable, some will be meh, and some will be annoying. They raise your hackles and you’ll do your best to avoid them.

However, the workplace environment is such that there will be annoying employees. They get the job done, but their habits and knacks can cause a rumble with the rest of the team. If you don’t deal with annoying employee habits, it can create dissatisfaction with the rest of the team.

Identify the Annoying Employee

First, identify the annoying employee. This is important because we all have our annoying ticks and habits, however, most of them are acceptable and bearable. If you realize that an annoying habit from an employee, is not only troubling you, but several employees, you need to take action.

Bring it up Directly and Clearly

Society norm dictates that you bring out the issue carefully and send a subtle message across to the employee. However, the problem with such a strategy is that there is no guarantee that the person will understand the message.

It is much better to be direct about this issue and avoid double talk. Mention your employee’s name and specify the habit.

Increase the Stakes

Don’t just tell the employee that his behavior is affecting the business and the team around him, but it is affecting his own career. This will increase the stakes to a high level. The idea that he may lose his job or lose out on a promotion will push the employee to take action about this habit.

Be Sensitive

In this global world, it is important to be sensitive. You do not know everything about this employee. A person’s habits and behavior are shaped by his culture and experiences. You need to take that into account when bringing up the topic with the employee. Mention specifically why this sort of behavior is making others around him uncomfortable.

Listen to the Employee

You are not giving an ultimatum to the employee that he has to change his behavior. Hear out what he has to say and what he is willing to do about it. Understand his reasons – this point very much ties in with being sensitive.

In turn, you could offer solutions to the employee.

As someone in the managerial position, you need to tackle an annoying employee. Avoiding it will cause problems for your team and the annoying employee. The annoying employee will start to feel isolated at the office and won’t feel integrated with the business. Furthermore, the employees may turn the office into a hostile working environment for the annoying employee.

Either way, there is employee dissatisfaction brewing that won’t work well for the workplace in the long run. Take note of employees who are perceived as annoying and find it tough to fit in. Make them aware of the problem and help them find a solution.